

 Now that you have your beaut iful design, here are the next steps…

CLink on the stain your received for further aftercare instructions.

  • 1. Allow paste to dry completely to touch (about 20-30 mintues)

    2. Apply protective sealant or wrap

    3. Keep paste on your skin between 6 - 8 hours without any interference.

    * Please avoid getting your design wet (at least 24 hours after)

    * Paste may crumble or flake off on its own, that’s NORMAL. Try to not pick it off your skin.

    4. When you’re ready to take the paste off, pick or scrape it off with your hand or something else. Just avoid getting it wet.

    * Design will be light, takes about 24 hours to reach it’s darkest shade.

    5. Moisturize design with natural lubricant (i.e. olive or coconut oil, shay or coconut butter)

    6. Continue moisturizing twice a day for the next 7-14 days until henna design fades out completely.

    7. Enjoy design, take lots of pictures, tag @alodie_henna / #HennaByAlodie

  • 1. Allow gel to dry completely (about 15-30 mintues)

    2. Keep gel on your skin between 3 - 6 hours.

    * Please avoid getting your design wet (at least 24 hours after)

    * Try not to touch the gel, design may transfer onto your finger tips. W


    * The gel transfer very quickly and easily, and you could end up with the henna design on other parts of your body.

    4. Wash off gel completely with cloth and soap

    * Do not use hand to wash off, because it will transfer.

    * Scrub gel off completely.

    * Design will be light, takes about 24 hours to reach its darkest shade

    5. Moisturize design with natural lubricant (i.e. olive or coconut oil, shay or coconut butter)

    6. Continue moisturizing twice a day for the next 7-14 days until jagua henna design fades out completely

    7. Enjoy design, take lots of pictures, tag @alodie_henna / #HennaByAlodie

Thank you!